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Whew, I’m back!

After a big move from NYC to Atlanta, I am finally getting back into the swing of things (although I still miss NYC terribly)!  There really is no greater city.  We lived there for ten amazing, adventurous years.  I hate to think of anything in the past as being ‘the best it’s ever going to get’, but our time there was beyond my wildest dreams (like those my teenage self would frequently have while flipping through the pages of my beloved Sassy Magazine).  We got to do things we never would have otherwise, and made lots of special friends along the way.  But here we are now, starting a new chapter – Southern-style – and I’m excited about the future.  So NYC and anyone who’s had the great pleasure to visit or live there, this one’s for you!  You will always be adored – loved – missed – cherished.

xox ….. @

Chana Balk - April,
Good luck down there. Your pics, as always, are beautiful.